Friday, February 6, 2009


HOLY CRAP YESSSSS! NO MORE FINALS HAHA!! Also a new semester going to happen. Man I need a new notebook for Geo. =P

English finals was pretty easy. Just needed to know some vocab words. As for Computers, that's the class that will determine my straight A's. FAJS;LKDFJADSKFJ Damnit if I don't pass that final I'm gonna be so mad. My mom would be like: "Andy?! What the FUCK is this?!?! A FRICKIN B?! OUT OF THE HOUSE NOW!" Okay maybe not like that but something close to that. Haha. All you asians know what I'm talking about. xD
So yeah I wonder what my new schedule's gonna be like, if I'm even getting one. =P

Well don't know what else to talk about so I'll blog later. Peace out...side.


omgawshh, Nancy (: said...

LOLOLOL. I KNOW, An A for an Asian person means average. D: sometimes, I totally wish for white washed parents.

HungryLong said...

I loved Finals D:. The schedule ROCKED SCHOOL! ^^.