Sunday, March 15, 2009

Simple Answers

You know, it's funny how you work so hard to keep a friend, then they just throw you out like yesterday's expired milk. You contribute so much to them, and they don't even acknowledge it. You make one mistake, and you're out. They don't want to give you a second chance; they think you'll just screw up again. They don't even want to let you explain. After all that hard work to be their friend, and yet they contribute nothing back. Even a simple "thank you" would work. Oh well...


tina said...

i know right?
i feel you, dawg. LOL, ehehe.
life's gay like that.
you contribute so much to a person, and they don't realized and/or appreciate what you do for them.

they take it for granted.

Voong said...

are you talking about me?! :O
well, screw them man
more of andy for us! :)

poopistheshit said...

you've got a lot of nerve you know that?
for once, did you stop and think what you did?
or are you just assuming one little thing threw everything off
cause thats not the case
its about time your true colors show.