Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Why? YES

So today I woke up at like 7:35 and that's not something good to do on the second day of school. lmao Yeah I was late and had to get one of those darn blue slips. Well whatever. lol

Hmm, Geometry was very interesting. My teacher said everything in Geo is WHY? I'm like okay? Then I remembered something my other teacher said and I said everything in Geo is also yes! Why you ask? YES HAHA Poor Xiao couldn't remember a song I was singing that was posted on her blog. LOL Haha but it was alright. Oh and I got her some Takis. Haha. I realize that those hot and lemony Takis are really gooooodd. I want some more now. xD

So, during P.E., we didn't get a basketball, so Xiao challenged me to a very (place adjective here) Badminton game! It was very intense and at some points annoying cause frickin Chris wouldn't move out of my way. lol Oh well. Xiao thinks she won but i don't really know. I really wasn't keeping score. It's all about the fun! Poor Xiao; all she wants to do is have the satisfaction of beating down little kids. I mean come on Xiao, I thought you were better than that. ~tisk tisk~ ;DD

So afterschool, I walked home with Chris, Vincent, Catherine, and Julie. They had wanted to go to library but we never went. Haha. So, we all chilled at Catherine's house. I didn't get any work done today. >< I hate procrastination. D:<

So then I went home and got on AIM when the internet was finally turned back on. Haha thanks Catherine. Anywho, I talked to April and somehow we got into promising each other that when we talk it won't be weird no matter what! LOL Oh well. I can keep that promise.

Well, try to get some sleep peoples! GOODNIGHT


poopistheshit said...

Woot i get shoutouts ;DD
LOL you better keep that promise! D:
or i will hunt you down and chop off your kdjashfk ;D