Friday, December 12, 2008

It's Game Time!

Okay, so it is Friday after school, and I am hoping to be able to go play basketball with my homies: Chris, Vincent, Vincent, Kevin, and Wilson.
I AM! WOOHOO But, I had to be home at five. D= Oh well. We made our way over to Lincoln Park, and yeah we messed around a little before we balled. HAH! Poor Chris, getting spun like crazy (by yours truly) on that tire swing. He looked drunk when he got off! He had to hold on to a bar just to stay balanced! HAHAAHA!
When Vincent finally got to the park, I realized I didn't want to play in jeans. So, i just took them off and put on my P.E. shorts. ;D I also had my signature MJ headband on! WOOT!
So, it was me and Chris vs. Vincent and Kevin. Hoho hadn't showed up yet, nor did Wilson. But, it was fun nonetheless. For some reason, I seemed to be making every shot I shot. LOL Chris would pass to me every time he had a shot though. He didn't think he could make any shots. So, he was the ball-handler and I was the shooter. Yeah, I was amazed at myself for making every shot. =D
Then, we were being CHALLENGED! OOOHHH Some Hispanics (not being racist or anything ><) Anyway, it was gonna be three on three. Me, Vincent, and Kevin vs. them.
We were doing pretty well I believe. They were actually pretty good. The thing got me really mad though was when I lost my mojo. That means, every time I shot the ball, I missed. I MISSED! COME ON! I mean, I was making everything when it was me and Chris. But, whatever. It was a fun game nonetheless. They were actually pretty good, and one was funny. He seemed like a jokester. XD Yeah, he was cool. Oh, and they were in Nightingale too, so we got owned by 8th graders. XD We were doing fine until Vincent said "IT'S GAME TIME!". Hoho had arrived and he was ready to play. So, Kevin stepped out and Hoho came in. Funny; Hoho made the first shot he shot. But, Vincent recited the words and then, we got slaughtered! They were passing and shooting and they made every single shot! Not one miss! It was like they went to overdrive at the sound of "it's game time". Also, each person shot and made it. Not just one. But, we made some shots at the end. It ended up that we lost, but we're good sports so we shook hands and greeted each other. XD Heh, there's always the possibility of a rematch! Yeah, then IT'S ON!
I decided to leave and that's why the game ended. I had to be home at 5! >< So, my friends decided to quit too and to walk me and Chris home. Yeah, I got cool friends. XD
So, naturally, my friends said goodbye to me and flipped me the bird. In response, I flipped back and even added a little movement to it. XD Then, I ran into Cezar! I was pretty surprised; wasn't expecting to see him there. So, he walked me to my alley, we said bye, and I ran home! XD
I was five minutes late, but my dad wasn't worried. As long as I wasn't doing drugs or hurting myself. XD Overall, that was pretty fun at the park. I bet I even lost 1 lb! HAHHAHAAHA