Just blogging to tell everyone to have a Merry Christmas!!! And if you don't celebrate Christmas, then have a Happy Holiday!
P.S.: Xiao called me just now, which was kinda surprising. She called to wish me a Merry Christmas! Awwwwww, how nice of her! =D Xiao if you're reading: MERRY CHRISTMAS! HOPE YOU GET BETTER!! =DDD
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Posted by GuitarHeroYao at 12:57 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Eve!
Well, today was a pretty boring day. I got $20 from my mom! WOOHOO! =.= Well, I'm getting $40 more later. =P That's gonna be my spending money since my mom's in Colorado and I don't get to see her. :(
On the upside, some presents came in the mail today! YAY!! They came from the Pressleys, a family that my family are very good friends with. In fact, we're pretty much one whole family! =D Anyway, they sent me a box of presents! =DD I wish I could open it, but that would ruin the Christmas spirit, so I won't until tomorrow! xD
Other than that, I just talked to my sister for like an hour on the phone. =P Nothing that interesting today. Anyways, I hope you all have a MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE!!! =DD
Posted by GuitarHeroYao at 8:16 PM 1 comments
Christmas Eve Eve xD
Hello everyone! Yesterday was a very...different day. xD I woke up like, maybe 12 or so. >< I wasn't expecting to do anything today. =P I hate having a bad memory. Makes it hard to reminisce on my day. I hope I spelled that right. ><
Anyway, all I did was get on Maple for like a few minutes or so. But then it stopped working! D= I'm like so bored without Maplestory! >< Well, I did read some of my packet from the book "The Alchemist" which I should be doing over the break. But I haven't really gotten to it yet. xD
Then, at around 4 p.m., Chris called me and then Vincent talked to me. Weird, I know; but Vincent didn't have his phone. He asked if I was going to the YUCA Christmas Party, and I said I wanted to, and he was like, "Nahh, f*** that, you're going!” I was like, "Sweet!” xD
Catherine called me around 5:30ish, and we were talking about me getting into the party, because I really wanted to go, but I didn't have a slip, and I don't remember signing up. >< I thought that I should've been able to get though, because I didn't get to go see my mom and the rest of my family and friends in Colorado that really care about me. :'( But, anyway, I talked to Henry, a cabinet member of YUCA, and my dad. If my dad was cool and let me go, which he did, then I would’ve been able to go to the YUCA party, which I did. xD
When I got there, I walked into a room filled with lights, food, and cheerful people. That room sure was cheerful. =D I went to site next to my friends and they were welcoming. I have some awesome friends here. =D After eating some fried rice, chips, and cookies, we had some mixer games!
The first included people walking up, telling a wee bit about themselves, and then answering the question that was announced. I didn’t win any. =[[ Oh well!
The second was the best! It included a game where groups of tables including 14 people are competing for prizes. My table included (I’ll try me best to remember here ><): Me, Sian, Vincent Ho, Melina, Hoang, April, Peter, Kelly, Gerry, Wilson, Annie, Long, and I think that’s everyone. Not 14, but I’m pretty sure that’s everyone that was on our table. Anyway, we had to arrange ourselves according to the instructions given (shortest to tallest), and then sit down when we were finished and raise our little logo thing. We were the checkers table! =D We lost the first round, but we started to win around the last ones. In the end, we received second place, and I won a shot glass! Well, it was just a small cup, but yeah! I just realized that I don’t have it! =[[[ I hope someone finds it and returns it! >< After the games, it was DANCING TIME!
Boy that was a fun dance! I was hardstyling (a style of dance) and even got pictures of it! Well, I didn’t take them. =P I realize I should try to take lessons before actually doing it. xD It was fun though. I’m definitely gonna practice for the next dance! =D I was pretty sweaty afterwards, because there were chains, party boys, other crazy things going on. I gotta say, that was definitely one of my best dances!
After the party, Julie came! =[[[ She should’ve came earlier! I saw her and was like O_o! xD I wish some other people could’ve came, like: Chris, Vicky, Kevin, and yeah. At the end of the party, I chilled with Hoho, Vincent, Wilson, Kelly (who I just met, sort of xD), and Annie. Annie and Kelly were talking in some Asian voices and they’re not that bad in doing it. xD I joined and yeah, we just joked around. But, I had to get home soon, so that I can at least go out again. I called Catherine earlier, but she said she had already gotten a ride, so I had to get one from someone else. >< Eventually, I got one from Julie and Hoho came along. We could’ve walked, but come on, it’s L.A. >< Overall, I say that was a really fun day! Well, just the YUCA party. I swear, I sure owe Henry for letting me in. My day would’ve been so boring had I not gone. >< Well, I’m gonna get ready to sleep, so see you all later! Merry Christmas Eve Everyone! =D
Posted by GuitarHeroYao at 12:09 AM 3 comments
Monday, December 22, 2008
Wilson's House
Today was a pretty nice day. Nice and sunny. I think. I can't remember. XD Anyway, I went to Dino's with Vincent Ho, his cousin, Jacky Ha (i think), and Wilson Tang. We were supposed to stay there, and since there was no one there, I decided to call Vicky to invite her. I realize she's in Wilson's house and she tells me there's a party. A leftover party from David's birthday party. And I'm like: "Why pay for Dino's when Wilson is trying to get rid of leftovers?!". So, after Dino's, we head over to Wilson's.
So, we walk in and realize that no one is there. Vicky had told me that there were like 10 people or more, so I though they were inside. So, we head inside, and there's no one inside. =.= Except for Wilson, Vicky, April, and someone else. I'm like WTF! Oh well. We had some fun in that room. ;D
Yeah, I saw them making some awesome mushrooms in Wilson's room. Come check it out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfZWE9dhAQg ;D Can't believe Vincent made that! If you look hard enough in the video, you'll know what I'm talking about!
I can't believe I actually cracked Wilson's dance pad. D'= I feel so bad for that. I hope it still works. ><
Yeah, we were also messing with Chris on the computer. Everyone was like saying mean things and stuff and nasty things. >< I won't get that into it though. This is my school blog, too. XD
Afterwards, I just went home and I was actually early! WOOHOO! Anyway, I guess today was a pretty fun day! XD
P.S.: "I was planning to clean the restroom, but somehow I never came to that, LOLOLOL." This is Vicky's blog! Who cleans their restroom? I mean, seriously! You're such a downie, Vicky! HAHA JK! <3
Posted by GuitarHeroYao at 11:20 PM
Thursday, December 18, 2008
My Book and I
So, I am reading the book "The Rise of the Black Wolf", by J.S. Lewis & Derek Benz. The main character is an eleven year old named Max. He is the guardian of a powerful book and he must protect it with his life. Max's parents are divorced, just like mine are. He has lived with his mom for more than 7 years. I'm living with my dad but I have lived with my mom the majority of my life. Max seems to always want his parents to get back together. I know that's not gonna happen to me, but I would like my parents to get along. Max always seems to get mad when his mom doesn't let him do something, and he said he bet his dad would. Max wants to live with his dad, and I want to live with my mom. We want this because we haven't seen that parent in a while, and because that parent gives us what we want (let's us go out, let's us do something that's not harmful, gives us love, etc). But we know if we go visit one parent, we will feel bad for leaving the other. So, we must choose the parent that needs us the most, and that would be my dad. So, I guess I'm staying with him for Christmas break.
Posted by GuitarHeroYao at 9:33 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Wednesday Night
Wow, English homework is just AAGGHH!! It's like totally keeping me up and i want to SLEEP! >< Oh well. I know i have to finish it. =.= But yeah, I'm sick too! UUGGHH The coldness of L.A. isn't helping with my situation either. Have to blow my frickin nose every five minutes. =.= My throat is starting to feel weird too. =P Oh well. Hehe There was a luncheon at school today! YES! Nothing special though. Salad, bread, chicken, ice cream and cake. Thought there would be more but whatever. Ohh and Pepsi. =P Wow I am bored. =.=
Posted by GuitarHeroYao at 9:42 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
It's Game Time!
Okay, so it is Friday after school, and I am hoping to be able to go play basketball with my homies: Chris, Vincent, Vincent, Kevin, and Wilson.
I AM! WOOHOO But, I had to be home at five. D= Oh well. We made our way over to Lincoln Park, and yeah we messed around a little before we balled. HAH! Poor Chris, getting spun like crazy (by yours truly) on that tire swing. He looked drunk when he got off! He had to hold on to a bar just to stay balanced! HAHAAHA!
When Vincent finally got to the park, I realized I didn't want to play in jeans. So, i just took them off and put on my P.E. shorts. ;D I also had my signature MJ headband on! WOOT!
So, it was me and Chris vs. Vincent and Kevin. Hoho hadn't showed up yet, nor did Wilson. But, it was fun nonetheless. For some reason, I seemed to be making every shot I shot. LOL Chris would pass to me every time he had a shot though. He didn't think he could make any shots. So, he was the ball-handler and I was the shooter. Yeah, I was amazed at myself for making every shot. =D
Then, we were being CHALLENGED! OOOHHH Some Hispanics (not being racist or anything ><) Anyway, it was gonna be three on three. Me, Vincent, and Kevin vs. them.
We were doing pretty well I believe. They were actually pretty good. The thing got me really mad though was when I lost my mojo. That means, every time I shot the ball, I missed. I MISSED! COME ON! I mean, I was making everything when it was me and Chris. But, whatever. It was a fun game nonetheless. They were actually pretty good, and one was funny. He seemed like a jokester. XD Yeah, he was cool. Oh, and they were in Nightingale too, so we got owned by 8th graders. XD We were doing fine until Vincent said "IT'S GAME TIME!". Hoho had arrived and he was ready to play. So, Kevin stepped out and Hoho came in. Funny; Hoho made the first shot he shot. But, Vincent recited the words and then, we got slaughtered! They were passing and shooting and they made every single shot! Not one miss! It was like they went to overdrive at the sound of "it's game time". Also, each person shot and made it. Not just one. But, we made some shots at the end. It ended up that we lost, but we're good sports so we shook hands and greeted each other. XD Heh, there's always the possibility of a rematch! Yeah, then IT'S ON!
I decided to leave and that's why the game ended. I had to be home at 5! >< So, my friends decided to quit too and to walk me and Chris home. Yeah, I got cool friends. XD
So, naturally, my friends said goodbye to me and flipped me the bird. In response, I flipped back and even added a little movement to it. XD Then, I ran into Cezar! I was pretty surprised; wasn't expecting to see him there. So, he walked me to my alley, we said bye, and I ran home! XD
I was five minutes late, but my dad wasn't worried. As long as I wasn't doing drugs or hurting myself. XD Overall, that was pretty fun at the park. I bet I even lost 1 lb! HAHHAHAAHA
Posted by GuitarHeroYao at 8:39 PM 0 comments
My Taste In Music
Your Taste in Music: |
![]() Alternative Rock: High Influence Metal: High Influence Adult Alternative: Medium Influence R & B: Medium Influence Hip Hop: Low Influence |
Posted by GuitarHeroYao at 9:50 AM 0 comments
What Christmas Ornament I Am
You Are a Snowman |
![]() Friendly and fun, you enjoy bringing holiday cheer to everyone you know! |
Posted by GuitarHeroYao at 9:35 AM 0 comments
My Blood Type
Your Inner Blood Type is Type O |
![]() And it's a good thing you're super charming... Because you also tend to be a bit flaky! Your confidence gets your far, and you always speak your mind. You are most compatible with: O and AB Famous Type O's: John Lennon and Elvis |
Posted by GuitarHeroYao at 9:31 AM 0 comments
Rant about Cutters
Speaking of being hungry (which I TOTALLY AM), I wish nutrition were here. Or lunch, which actually has more filling food. The only thing I hate about nutrition and lunch though is the cutters! OH MY GOD MANG! Like, I'm in line and then like 10 people cut in front of me! I mean, I know I am way more hungry than them! It's a good feeling when they get caught, but only about 1 or 2 get caught. It's funny how 10 people cut at one spot and they don't get caught. I wish I could stand up to them and say something, but this is LAUSD. Not the best idea to argue with someone here, especially if they look like they could be carrying some kind of weapon or something. =(
Posted by GuitarHeroYao at 9:13 AM 0 comments
Yet Again
In English class and I can hear my teacher Ms. Crabtree making a very entertaining announcement over the intercom that can be heard around the school. She was trying to imitate "I Wanna Be Sedated" by either The Clash or by The Sex Pistols. If you know who the song is by, please leave a comment and tell me cause I would like to know. =D Wow...I just realized that I AM STARVING! I wish nutrition would be here already.
Posted by GuitarHeroYao at 9:07 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
In English Class!
Well, I'm in english right now! We have the laptops out and everyone is working on their blogs, as am I. Blogging is like expressing yourself, I guess? Or maybe it's like an online journal with nothing private in it, I hope. :( Well, I don't know. But blogging is pretty fun, except for this laptop. I don't really like this keyboard. =P My keyboard is better cause it's softer and I just prefer it! =D
Posted by GuitarHeroYao at 9:28 AM 0 comments